

Nunarsuarmi sumiiffimmi immikkuullarivissumi, tassani nassaassaasinnaallutik nunarsuarmi ujaqqat pinnersaasiassat pisoqaanersaat, taavalu eqqannguani nunarsuarmi inuunerup pinngulerfigisimasaa siullerpaaq. 

Grønlandit nunaateqarfitsinniittoq geolog- init Isua Grønlandit- itut pisoqaatingisutut assingatullu aaliangerneqarnikuupput



On a unique and special place on Earth

where we find world's oldest gemstone, and nearby

rocks with the first trace of biological life on Earth.

Found only at Nuuk area, Greenland.

Greenlandite in our license area is determined to be of the same type, age and nature as Isua Greenlandite by the Department of geology, Nuuk.


juli 2021     

Grønlandit ilai allanik qalipaatinik ilallit 

dec. 2022    

grønlandit akimut ersittoq qaqutigoortoq

juli 2023   

grønlandit qalipaataa allanngortartoq qaqutigoortut

januar 2024

3 - 4 qalipaatillit ujaqqat pisoqarsuit

ujaqqat pisoqarsuit

april 2024

ujaqqat qaqortut aammalu qaqorasaat ilai


Jan. 2025

turmalin qernertut misisut kvarts qaqortumik akullit

turmalin qernertut mikusut kvarts akimut ersittut ujaqqallu pisoqqat allat

jan. 2025

kvarts aappaluartumik appaluttumut mikisunnguit

aamma kvarts eqqumiittumik qorsuttallit

Tuniniaaffiit : Tuniniaavugut aamma ukunani

Ilulissat : Arctic Hotel

Nuuk : Søma

Sisimiut ;:  Hotel Søma

Nunatta Katersungaasivia

Asiarpa, Nuuk center


Nuuk kunst museum

Anori arts, Nuuk

Albatros, Arctic Circle, Kangerlussuaq


july 2021 

Greenlandite also with other rocks

dec. 2022     

rare translucent greenlandite

july 2023 

rare change colour greenlandite 

januar 2024

3 - 4 colored old stones with Greenlandite

old rocks

april 2024 

old white quartz

old almost white and other with yellow parts

Jan 2025

small black turmalin combi with white quartz

small black turmalin combi with clear quartz and old rocks

Jan 2025

quarts,with pink to red small garnets

and quarts with strange green spots

Dealers : we also sell through dealers

Ilulissat : Hotel Arctic 

Nuuk : Hotel Søma

Sisimiut: Hotel søma

Greenland National Museum and Archives

Asiarpa, Nuuk center


Nuuk Kunst Museum

Anori arts, Nuuk

Albatros, arctic cirkel, Kangerlussuaq


The project started at the end of 2014 and the work is now based on several gemstone deposits.

all stone are examined and approved by a geologist at the Mineral Resources Directorate, Nuuk

Læs mere

it's all about the stone and its history

so that's a basic design

ujarak oqaluttuarisaaneralu qitiutinneqarpoq

taamaattumik tunngaviusumik design atorneqarpoq